Friday, 30 January 2015

Visit to a Potential gallery space for Off site Exhibition

Visit to a Potential gallery space for Off site Exhibition

So i have already started to look at potential spaces for our off site exhibitions
I an a group of 2 others, are working in collaboration to put up an exhibition 

I have emailed many different spaces to talk about pricing and spaces and location and times. 
This was the first that looked and felt promising 

Last year, the exhibition we put up was educational. We learned the rights and wrongs and especially ways and methods in which we can make the exhibition better
Last year, me and my group got our space for free. No Charge. This was definitely one of the benefits and as easy as that would be to do again, i wanted a change of location and venue. 

This venue cost a lot more, a lot more, but instead of most people seeing it as a potential waste of money, i see this as an investment

I plan to show with my group a collection of work, private views, week long opening to the public and hopefully attract a customer base willing to buy work. 

In the gallery, there are 2 spaces. Gallery one (Smaller) and Gallery 2 (bigger) 
Above is picture showing the entrance into gallery 1

Below is an image showing gallery one 

Its spacious, but because of the glass window and the 2 entrances, it limits the wall space for artwork 

Below is Gallery 2

Now this space is a lot bigger

Discussions on terms and conditions

A hallway with wall space on either side
Possibly sculptures displayed on plinths in the middle?

More discussions 

 Entrance into Gallery 2

Embassy Tea Gallery London

We still have a lot to discuss
But we decided to plan early, and get started early
We want to sell work, which means marketing has to come early

Early preparation could lead to a very successful exhibition 

Looking forward to this!!

See you soon

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Symposium Event at the Tate

Symposium Event  at the Tate

The day of the symposium 
This picture below is showing a clip from our video based on the theme of appropriation 

Appropriated scenes from movies, quotes throughout history, images and popular internet memes...etc were all mashed into a video. 
This is showing Marilynn Monroe's and Charlize Theron's Chanel No.5 Perfume Advert. 

In my opinion, the video went brilliantly. 
It was fantastic to see this project, that we had been working, on a laptop size scale, being projected into a large cinema size scale. 

Overall, throughout this TOP, i evaluate that our group worked extremely well. 
We communicated effectively through social media when we were unable to meet
We exchanged ideas and knowledge on the theme of appropriation even through we work in different disciplines 
This taught me more, not just learning about painting but the medium of film and photography 
Exchanging interest and knowledge to one another whilst working together is far more effective than if you were to do it solo 
By doing this it expanded the target i had when researching 
no longer contested under the limits of one practice or their artists, it spread which was very helpful and helped come up with ideas on how to develop my practice further and better. 

These group arrangements were extremely beneficial, and i hope there is more to come
A very effective collaborative learning strategy 

Other groups were too interesting.
Some were not
But overall it was insightful to see what others had come up with for their presentations. 
The topics that they were discussing and how they discussed it 
The presentations overall i thought went brilliantly  

The Panel discussions were too very educational and fun
This was the panel in which 2 members from our group took part. 
What was interesting here was that it lead to a date on feminism, which is a turn from appropriation but this kind of debate was rather helpful. In a short period of people debating on a subject, the audience and oneself actually has the ability to learn about that subject in a matter of minutes. 

Panel discussions were very helpful and very useful. 

Overall this day was a success. 
Presentations went exceptionally well
Panel discussions were insightful 
Overall the whole day was extremely educational 
Looking and learning into other people's interests and themes as well as seeing what creative outcome they came up with for the presentation 

Very good day!!
Hope we have more like it 

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Symposium Beforehand (at Tate Britain) - Initial ideas, Planning, Making and Site Visit

Symposium Beforehand (at Tate Britain) - Initial ideas, Planning, Making and Site Visit 

Initial Ideas

We sat down to discuss initial ideas 
Many ideas were being flung around but what stuck from the very beginning was that it should be something visual, a video piece. 
We talked about getting the audience to participate in the presentation. 
Then Jan, our new member to the group, he showed us his work that he has been doing. It consists of multiple videos being played on a screen, flashing, repeating. 

This then led to us talking about how we should find clips and images of appropriated themed images and videos. 
We discussed what there was, and there was a lot. 
-Hitler speech 
-Chaplin Speech
-Kennedy Speech 
-Martin Luther King Speech
-Famous speeches from presidents 
-Clips from TV
-Famous internet clips 
-Clips from shows such as "The Simpsons" that have appropriated from historical events and people figures as well as internet memes and such
-Godzilla New york
-King Kong New York

and so on.........

so our task was to find as many of these clips as possible, collect these and transform it into a video piece


This is a rough layout plan we had in place 

We created a Facebook communication page between the four of us so that we could change our ideas and put on any clips that we find that can go towards our video 


Making process of this video was using a software called iMovies
We used the clips we found and put them together, editing, altering video and sound

Site Visit

The site visit was very interesting.
It wasn't as big as we all thought, the space we mean
The projector screen was big though, very wide 

We were discussing about how big our video will look on the screen, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it will make viewers more engaging. 

Its good that ours is a video because first, it will mean the lights are off meaning that we can't see the walls. In my opinion the orange on the walls are a little bit out of place. Secondly the stage is rather small, if it were a performance as such, we may not have enough room. 

Cant Wait.....

Gallery Visits 24/1/15

Gallery Visits 24/1/15

Went to the Green Park area to view allergies for the weekend 
Good thing about this area is that there are lots of small little galleries around next to the big Royal Academy of Art so theres plenty to see and a wide range of artwork and style to view. 

As i was approaching the RA, I noticed this. 
The Swastika Sign on the walls of the Tate 

This reminded me of the theme Appropriation and the presentation we had discussing this sign.  
This is a good thing, because of this TOP group exercise we have going, it allows me to use continuously think about it outside of university as well, this means i see more in the outside world.

TOP is more effective to my perspective in the outside world of art as well as my practice more than i know 

Throughout history it has been appropriated and altered in more ways than one 

This was the first Exhibition we saw at the RA 

Hiroshi Sugimoto "Still Life" 

This exhibition consists of 13 large format photographs from the artists ongoing series Diorama series executed between 1976 and 2012. 
It didn't have much to do with appropriation nor my stye of practice 

Looking at how people interact with the scale of photographs and where they stand to look at what subject n the photograph.

The Alan Cristea Gallery - Christane Baumgartner " Totentanz"

I saw a little of how i may present my paintings in this exhibition. See how its 5 x 3 
I imagined a presentational layout with my paintings similar to this 

Other smaller galleries i visited on the way, some sold paintings, 
I was looking carefully at the labels 
The reasons for this is because i was planning for our Off Site Exhibitions this term .

I want an exhibition where we will sell our work 
Therfore i was looking at the layouts of the label 

What was needed to be put on 

Castle Galleries - FOX presents the films of MARILYN. The diamond dust collection by Simon Claridge

I walked by and i noticed an exhibition on Marilyn. This linked into appropriation and part of the video that we were making for the symposium. 

Decided to have a look

He used a medium in which i rarely see 

I know that a rendition of Marilyn's song was 'Diamonds are a girls best friend" 
Could this be the reason the artist decided to use Diamond dust as a medium?

Diamond Dust was "Perhaps most famously used by Andy Warhol" 

"Ive always regarded myself as a portrait painter - it's where my passion lies - and for me the screen shots of Marilyn from her Fox movies are the ultimate portrait. It doesn't get any better." - Simon Claridge

Sunday, 18 January 2015



So during the Christmas break, i decided to read a few books. This was one of them
"Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon
This was a part of TOP but this task in TOP and appropriation has also deeply affected my practice.

The best thing is, my practice is directly linked in with my TOP

The more i read, the more connections i made with my work and the theme of Appropriation. 

Now ill be giving you quotes from the book now and then, i marked them down as i read the book. 
Oe quote inside said "Art is Theft" 

Know who said that?

Pablo Picasso
Who did you know appropriated from Rembrandt. 

This is Brick Lane Market #6, 2015 

This i painted near the end of 2014. 
I really enjoyed this piece because one of the early layers was the bunny rabbit drawing in the background, then i was revolving the graffiti around the eye as the centre piece. 

I like how the eye has this dark seemingly endless visual outcome more or less right in the middle of the painting, with its white splatters of paint, it seems like a never ending universe 

Almost a story 
I mentioned in one of the earlier blogs that we went to visit the British Museum last year, and went to study a few paintings. 

Two of the paintings we visited was one by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, and the other was a Goya drawing. 
Now the story here is, Goya, was a great admirer of Tiepolo's work and copied his style. He wanted to learn his style, master it. This is like me and my work, me copying the style of graffiti artist out in London but the only difference is, I'm changing the medium and surface in which i apply the work on. 

A quote from the book in a way, helped me, made sense, on what is plagiarism. 

" If you copy from one author, its plagiarism, but if you copy from many, its research" - Wilson Mizner 

Throughtout this territories of practice, it has been insightful
I am in a group with 2 girls, whom do video. I do painting. 
Yes its different but it is really interesting to expand my knowledge on the subject of appropriation throughout different disciplines within art, not just painting. 

But the subject of appropriation is beginning to be too focused. 
It is better to have a broad knowledge of different theories and themes of art, yet us concentrating solely on Appropriation can cause us to loose sight of other things around us. 

Its been good so far. Now for the Symposium.....

Brick Lane Market #7, 2014

What really captivates me from this piece is that it is rather narrative. It speaks. like a debate or disagreement of something, an essence of dispute and anger yet the colours contradicts that
The painting argues with itself through subject and colour 

Brick Lane Market #8, 2014

Brick Lane Market #9, 2015

As you can see, the previous pieces i used a kind of, glossy acrylic paint 
In this most recent piece i did not. The background i though in my opinion may have been to bright therefore i decided not to do it. 

Keep you Updated !!


Saturday, 3 January 2015

Halcyon Gallery - Dale Chihuly "Lumiere"

Halcyon Gallery - Dale Chihuly "Lumiere" 

Before the start of the new term, i had arrived to London early, sending time with the family before sending my little brother off to school in North Yorkshire. 

We came across the Halcyon Gallery in the evening and the interior was glowing, you could see the illumines-sense from the outside 
This immediate turned our heads as it caught out attention 

Inside was an exhibition exhibiting Dale Chihuly, who in this series of work made Acrylic Light Drawings!

Lumiere is the first exhibition of Dale Chihuly's Acrylic light drawings. 

This style of his has been developing throughout his carer. "Beginning as illustrative tools used to direct and inspire his visions for glass - his drawings have become increasingly important as independent outlets for his expressions, whilst simultaneously providing a vital means for him to release his energy" 

His work is very expressive and abstract

From the light, you could see almost completely through the acrylic paint, which gives the audience a visual texture. Like there a more mark makings within the marks itself!! Brilliant concept 

"Somebody once said people become artist because they have a certain kind of energy to release. That rings true to me. it must have an outlet. Thats why i draw" - Dale Chihuly

 Chihuly's Work has no direct link to my work
Yes it is colourful but the  is somewhat different. Mark makings are in few aspects similar. 

It is however very interesting to see this kind of concept. this new innovative idea being processed and seen. Very interesting

Not only paintings but sculptures too. 
They make wonderful interior designs and possibly an iconic feature 

The overall curation of the place was impressive. 

I enjoyed this show very much.