Sunday, 18 January 2015



So during the Christmas break, i decided to read a few books. This was one of them
"Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon
This was a part of TOP but this task in TOP and appropriation has also deeply affected my practice.

The best thing is, my practice is directly linked in with my TOP

The more i read, the more connections i made with my work and the theme of Appropriation. 

Now ill be giving you quotes from the book now and then, i marked them down as i read the book. 
Oe quote inside said "Art is Theft" 

Know who said that?

Pablo Picasso
Who did you know appropriated from Rembrandt. 

This is Brick Lane Market #6, 2015 

This i painted near the end of 2014. 
I really enjoyed this piece because one of the early layers was the bunny rabbit drawing in the background, then i was revolving the graffiti around the eye as the centre piece. 

I like how the eye has this dark seemingly endless visual outcome more or less right in the middle of the painting, with its white splatters of paint, it seems like a never ending universe 

Almost a story 
I mentioned in one of the earlier blogs that we went to visit the British Museum last year, and went to study a few paintings. 

Two of the paintings we visited was one by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, and the other was a Goya drawing. 
Now the story here is, Goya, was a great admirer of Tiepolo's work and copied his style. He wanted to learn his style, master it. This is like me and my work, me copying the style of graffiti artist out in London but the only difference is, I'm changing the medium and surface in which i apply the work on. 

A quote from the book in a way, helped me, made sense, on what is plagiarism. 

" If you copy from one author, its plagiarism, but if you copy from many, its research" - Wilson Mizner 

Throughtout this territories of practice, it has been insightful
I am in a group with 2 girls, whom do video. I do painting. 
Yes its different but it is really interesting to expand my knowledge on the subject of appropriation throughout different disciplines within art, not just painting. 

But the subject of appropriation is beginning to be too focused. 
It is better to have a broad knowledge of different theories and themes of art, yet us concentrating solely on Appropriation can cause us to loose sight of other things around us. 

Its been good so far. Now for the Symposium.....

Brick Lane Market #7, 2014

What really captivates me from this piece is that it is rather narrative. It speaks. like a debate or disagreement of something, an essence of dispute and anger yet the colours contradicts that
The painting argues with itself through subject and colour 

Brick Lane Market #8, 2014

Brick Lane Market #9, 2015

As you can see, the previous pieces i used a kind of, glossy acrylic paint 
In this most recent piece i did not. The background i though in my opinion may have been to bright therefore i decided not to do it. 

Keep you Updated !!


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