Thursday, 29 January 2015

Symposium Event at the Tate

Symposium Event  at the Tate

The day of the symposium 
This picture below is showing a clip from our video based on the theme of appropriation 

Appropriated scenes from movies, quotes throughout history, images and popular internet memes...etc were all mashed into a video. 
This is showing Marilynn Monroe's and Charlize Theron's Chanel No.5 Perfume Advert. 

In my opinion, the video went brilliantly. 
It was fantastic to see this project, that we had been working, on a laptop size scale, being projected into a large cinema size scale. 

Overall, throughout this TOP, i evaluate that our group worked extremely well. 
We communicated effectively through social media when we were unable to meet
We exchanged ideas and knowledge on the theme of appropriation even through we work in different disciplines 
This taught me more, not just learning about painting but the medium of film and photography 
Exchanging interest and knowledge to one another whilst working together is far more effective than if you were to do it solo 
By doing this it expanded the target i had when researching 
no longer contested under the limits of one practice or their artists, it spread which was very helpful and helped come up with ideas on how to develop my practice further and better. 

These group arrangements were extremely beneficial, and i hope there is more to come
A very effective collaborative learning strategy 

Other groups were too interesting.
Some were not
But overall it was insightful to see what others had come up with for their presentations. 
The topics that they were discussing and how they discussed it 
The presentations overall i thought went brilliantly  

The Panel discussions were too very educational and fun
This was the panel in which 2 members from our group took part. 
What was interesting here was that it lead to a date on feminism, which is a turn from appropriation but this kind of debate was rather helpful. In a short period of people debating on a subject, the audience and oneself actually has the ability to learn about that subject in a matter of minutes. 

Panel discussions were very helpful and very useful. 

Overall this day was a success. 
Presentations went exceptionally well
Panel discussions were insightful 
Overall the whole day was extremely educational 
Looking and learning into other people's interests and themes as well as seeing what creative outcome they came up with for the presentation 

Very good day!!
Hope we have more like it 

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