Thursday, 20 November 2014

Gallery Visits since October '14

Gallery Visits since October '14

I haven't been to many galleries since I've been back, i am more focused on my practical work because this time, i actually have a focus on what i am doing. Last year was more or less experimentation which was a very spread out approach on my practice. 

This exhibition was really helpful to my practice, and toward sky knowledge of Appropriation. The artist that were exciting in this show were all more or less inspired by Marcel Duchamp. Majority of pieces exhibited were all "readymade" objects, what the artists had done was alter the properties and gave new meaning to the objects, they recontexualized. 

One of my favourite pieces in this exhibition was a piece done by Rob and Nick Carter, a piece called "Red 23, 2014". This was a french roulette wheel, that kept on spinning. They had added a motor to it, with its ballbariane inside never landing on a figure, it was interesting to see its original function, functionless. This kind of recontexualising interest me towards my theory and practice. 

This was a small gallery near Brick lane market, where i was doing research for my paintings 

It was helpful in the sense that the artwork captured this street vibe, it expressed the marks on a rough surface. You had the feel of an urban setting. 

Andrew Salgado, his work was very good to see
His paintings varied in different sizes, his paintings of portraits using a wide range of brush marks was inspiring to see. 
It was aesthetically pleasing, i was so interested in his work in fact, i asked for a price list for his pieces, if there was one in my budget, i wouldn't mind investing in one of Salgado's pieces. 

Price list 

Another exhibition we came across when walking about London 

I think the gallery visits so far, haven't been useless but not entirely useful to the subject of Appropriation. 

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