Saturday, 7 December 2013

End of 2013 Chelsea Show

End of 2013 Chelsea Show

This is what i put up for the end of year show. 

4 Paintings

One on Canvas and others on 150gsm paper. 

Title of this is "Identity"

Studying human behaviour and psychology led me to these pieces. 

The display was different, coloured pins hammered into the walls to keep paintings up. 

Green pins for the Red background painting
Yellow for Blue
Red for Green

And Blue for the yellow background painting

I couldn't use the pins and pin it through the canvas, so i used it to hang up the canvas. The blue pins are there, just can't see it.

This is how i left it. Too much space around the painting? Makes the overall paintings look small.
I like the fact the the outline of the overall piece isn't like the usuals, square, rectangle. this is different. looks a but like Tetris. 

This is how i intended the piece to be displayed

Due to the overall show, several works were moved around. 

I was on the flight to Hong Kong and unable to rearrange my pieces

They were moved and displayed up for me

Not the greatest outcome overall.